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Minimalist House Design in the US

Coming from the modern architectural movement is minimal architecture: the architectural style based on the ideas and philosophy of minimalism. These homes are meant to look sleek and elegant while also complementing and being open to their environment. Having a minimalist home in a naturally beautiful setting is an absolute pleasure. The gorgeous forests of Angelina county or the breathtaking views of the Gulf Coast from Galveston are more pronounced from a minimalist home. If that sounds intriguing to you, read on to learn about how you can make your home more minimalistic.

What Is Minimalist House Design?

Minimalist house design is based on the ideas of minimalism. In essence, minimalism is the practice of reducing the unnecessary and getting the most out of the minimal. In architecture, this comes out as creating simple forms and lines without the use of ornamentation or decoration. While this may sound bland, it’s not at all when done correctly. Instead, this creates a home that’s easy on the eyes without any distracting elements. Having this home free of distractions makes it easier to take in the natural beauty of your environment.

The Elements of Minimalist Design

To better understand what minimalist design looks like, let’s take a close look at the elements that make up minimalist house design.

Simplicity of Form: Having a simple but efficient floor plan and overall structure is a staple of minimalist house design. Emphasis should be placed on the intuitiveness and modesty of the home’s layout rather than the aesthetic.

Monochromatic Palette: Rather than having big and distracting splashes of color throughout the design, minimalist homes stick much closer to monochromatic palettes with a small amount of color for accent.

Uncomplicated Wall Finishes: Using a single continuous exterior cladding is commonplace in minimalist design, as it lets the visual appeal of that material shine on its own. 

Open & Light-Filled Spaces: Having clean and open spaces full of natural light is essential for minimal home design. 

Purposeful Use of Materials: Rather than emphasizing detailing and decorations, minimalist house design is focused on choosing the suitable materials, which will be able to provide visual interest, texture, and personality all on their own.

How You Can Incorporate Minimalism into Your Home Design

Most of the design elements of minimalism are easier to implement when designing and building a new home. However, there are still plenty of ways you can make your current home more minimal in design.


The most significant step toward minimalist design, and minimalism in general, is to declutter your home. We often have plenty of decorations and knick-knacks that aren’t providing any value or purpose to our homes. Getting rid of these, or even most of these, will create a less distracting and more meaningful home all on its own.

Focus on Simplicity and Purpose

When it comes to the furniture in your home and how they’re arranged, try and have only what’s necessary and have them placed purposefully. For example, in your dining room, you only need a number of chairs that actually get used. The layout should also be done in a way that makes the chairs easy to access.

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Install a Steel French Door from Bighorn Iron Doors

Having plenty of natural light and views to the outside is a critical aspect of minimalist design. That’s why steel french doors are the perfect addition to a minimalist home. They even follow the monochromatic palette of minimalist design. 

At Bighorn Iron Doors, we create high-quality steel french doors of all sizes. Contact us to learn about our steel french doors and how you can order one.

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